Man questioned by reporters | Media Training | Richard Maxwell Communications

Managing the Media

Expert Media Training for Effective Interviews

Our unique media training method shows you how your words can make news, and we’ll give you the powerful tools and techniques you need to deliver a successful media interview every time.

Managing the Media is a highly interactive media training program that prepares you to face the media through realistic on-camera interviews, instant feedback, insightful analysis, and lots of hands-on coaching.

Why do you need media training?

Media exposure can help ensure your organization's voice is heard and can be a powerful tool for your business, but only if you know how to use it effectively. A great performance in front of the media can add to your bottom line, while a poor performance can spell disaster.

We work with some of the most respected organizations in North America, including several Fortune 500 companies. Our proven system will help strengthen your brand and enhance and protect your company’s reputation.

How will our Managing the Media program help you?

In broad strokes, our media training program, Managing the Media, teaches you:

  • How to prepare for an interview or news conference

  • How to create powerful messages

  • How to speak in sound bites

  • What questions reporters are likely to ask

  • How best to respond to reporters’ questions

  • Strategies for answering tough questions

  • Techniques to avoid interview pitfalls

  • How to share your good news & your bad news

  • How to stay calm and focused when under the gun

We also offer crisis communications planning so that when the worst happens – as it sometimes does – you have a plan in place already.

Executives, managers, and spokespeople who use our unique media training process are more articulate, influential, and persuasive media communicators.

Get ready for your next media interview

Our comprehensive media training program will get you ready to face the media with: 

  • Realistic on-camera interviews

  • Hands-on coaching

  • Insightful analysis

  • Immediate feedback

  • A sharp focus on message delivery

All training sessions are conducted by media trainer and former broadcaster, Richard Maxwell.

Best Media Training tips

To help get you started, here are 10 media training tips:

  1. Interviews are not conversations.

  2. Everything you say to a reporter is fair game.

  3. There is no such thing as “off-the-record.”

  4. Know what you want to say.

  5. Don’t wait for the right question to be asked.

  6. Don’t avoid the question.

  7. If you don’t know the answer, say so.

  8. Never say “no comment” because it looks like you’ve got something to hide.

  9. Don’t repeat the reporter’s negative words.

  10. Speak slowly.

Our customized programs

Whether you’re looking for media training 101, a media training refresher, or more advanced executive media training for the C-suite, every program we offer is customized to meet your needs.

One-on-one or group media training is available in full-day, ¾-day, ½-day, and 90-minute formats.  All of our programs are also available virtually.

To set up a complimentary consultation to discuss your media training needs and learn more about our program and its various options, please visit our "Schedule a Call" page and select a time that's convenient for you.

Or, drop us a line by clicking on the button below!