What is media training?
Media training is a unique form of communications training that specializes in interactions with mass media.
It is designed to help media-facing individuals confidently deliver their messages while avoiding interview traps.
In most cases, media training is provided to managers, executives and employees who may be asked to speak to the media and the ultimate goal of the training is to help control, protect and enhance an organization’s reputation.
Media training sessions usually focus on both content and style.
Participants are taught how to:
Understand what the reporter is looking for
Create messages they would like the media to report
Be more concise
Deliver compelling “sound bites” (short extractions of recorded audio) that could be used by the media to create a story
Avoid interview traps
Stay focused on their messages
Remain calm when questioning gets tough
Control anxiety during media encounters
Project confidence while delivering messages
Know when to stop talking
A good media training session involves lots of role playing and realistic interviews that are captured on video and played back for immediate analysis.